Transition Changes

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# Transition Changes

This one is simple though I don't have any good explanation for why the core team decided to make this change... I find it simply frustrating...

Transitions work off of simple CSS classes and follow a paticular three part naming convention. The Vue Transition component and router handle adding and removing the appropriate classes so there is not much to change here.


# Transition v-enter to v-enter-from

transitions.scss vue-2

.fade-leave-active {
    transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fade-leave-to {
    opacity: 0;

transitions.scss vue-3

.fade-leave-active {
    transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fade-leave-to {
    opacity: 0;

# Transition Use

<Transition name="fade">
    <div v-if="someControl"></div>

# Router Transitions

Due to some changes with the router we can no longer wrap RouterView in a Transition component. This syntax has change as below.

router transtion vue 2

  <transition name="route" mode="out-in">
    <router-view />

router transtion vue 3

  <router-view v-slot="{Component}">
    <transition name="route" mode="out-in">
      <component :is="Component" />